Tuesday, March 31, 2009

troll with body paint.

Yes, that is a troll watching her. Yes, she is a fairy. Or at least is wearing dollar store fairy wings. This is just so many flavors of wrong.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diamond the Leopard Princess

I'm prolly not going to be posting until Tuesdays. Got some killer stuff happening. (no actual killing tho! That's a happy thing.)
Enjoy the leopard corset & thong body paint images. It's Spring! So nice to be able to shoot outside!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Years Eve 2008 Pacha NYC

These performers were body painted to match the fabric they were wearing. They did an aerial show at the famous Pacha Club in New York City. My DH & I were on the bus home at midnight and the bus was surrounded by throngs of people celebrating the New Year. They started rocking the bus, it was outrageous. I took the crowd picture out the bus window.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ann- Blue imp body painting

It's Ann. I body painted her to accentuate her musculature. She's quite buff and could easily kick your, my or pretty much anybody's ass.
Her body paint is accented with vaguely tribal designs, but softer than traditional tribal. I just kinda riffed.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Flight of the Conchords body(suit)painting video

You'll have to turn your head a bit.
I'm sorry that I don't know how to rotate video clips.
How lame is that?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Body Painting

Well I have been quite busy painting and the next two weeks will continue the pace.

I had a great day last week painting on the first day of spring - just some fun vibrant colors that played nicely when photographed against the backdrop of the new greens of spring. I'm looking forward to seeing all we accomplished.

Flight of the Conchords body(suit)painting

Director Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind) had a concept for part of a music video in the episode that he directed, Unnatural Love.
He sent us the sketch of his concept. The photo is our execution
Tomorrow I'll post video of the actors practicing making the mouth move and the eyes blink...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Odessey In Face And Body Art

The newest event on the block is Bodyessy Con which will be held in Toronto this April.
Another convention for face and body artists to gather learn and share, this one will be showcasing some amazing talents. Be sure to come back in mid-April to see photographs of some of the artworks created there.

Lindsy the ballet dancer giraffe body paint

Here's some pics of Lindsy's body painting where you can see the giraffe-y parts. Gotta keep good on those pinky-swears!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Belly painting on ABC News!

video of me painting Olivia's pregnant belly on abc news!!!!!
Promised giraffe body painting pics tomorrow. Pinky swear!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lindsy's giraffe body painting

Actually, it's more vaguely giraffe motif as it contains no actual giraffe.
Did this yesterday. How's that for fresh paint?!
Isn't it ironic that I chose 2 images that contain no visible giraffe motif?
I guess you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see the giraffe-y parts!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PETA Burberry Plad Protest

Crazy day yesterday. Didn't get to post. :(
Extra bonus images today!!!
Burberry body painting that we did for PETA in NYC and Philly. Also bonus test shot!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jessica with a slinky

I've got students for a face painting class showing up shortly (btw, I am more than willing to travel to give face and/or body painting classes, so let me know if you'd like to have one) so this will be a quick post. Here's Jessica, with a slinky. I like how her stripes echo the colors of the slinky.
I like to give my models props because it gives them something to do whilst they are posing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A day in the life of a body painter....

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day.
In the morning, I painted Olivia's belly for a segment on ABC.com. I'll let you know when it's posted. I tried to incorporate some of Olivia's favorite things as design motifs. Olivia love red and ladybugs. She has wonderful memories of her honeymoon in Hawaii and the baby's name mean "long lived treasure". Figuring out how to put Hawaii and a treasure together was the easy part. Figuring out how to incorporate the lady bug, not so much.
In the evening, I painted the rapper, Pandemonium for a performance. He brought reference, a design that he saw online that he wanted modified to include the blues of his sweater and the letter "P".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Raise your hand if you like body painting!

I've got to get ready to paint for a tv thingy today so here's a couple of random body paint images that have hands.
I'm the one in the retina searing pink shirt.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Silver metallic body paint couples shoot - Dawn & John

Dawn and John were the models for this metallic silver body paint shoot. It was my first nude couples shoot. I shot them individually and together.
I love how the silver body paint almost makes it look like a black and white shoot.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Justin's body painting with sheer fabric photos

It's Justin again. All body painted and posing with a length of sheer striped fabric. I really thing it's interesting how such a simple prop and change of pose can really change the whole feel of the painting. When you have a model who's willing to 'work it', it really makes a difference.

Body painting with props.

Yesterday I promised images of Justin's cat body paint photo shoot with props.

Here they are. The props used in this body paint shoot were very simple. We had some plastic beads on a cord (like mardi gras beads) and a piece of sheer striped fabric.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Looking at lighting with Justin's body painting photos

Justin was a very fun and enthusiastic model to work with. He was into the whole body painting experience and really got into character. I body painted him like a blue fire cat with a broken heart. The design incorporated graphic flames in place of stripes and the flame motif is echoed in his face painting. I'm posting a couple of picture of Justin to illustrate how lighting can really change the feel of a body paint photo shoot.

Tomorrow let's look at how props can change the feel of a body paint shoot.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yet more cat face and body painting

I don't like getting my face painted. Can you tell?
Justin doesn't mind getting painted at all.